Four Symptom-Free Dental Issues That Can Be Caught During Regular Checkups

Posted on: 6 June 2016

If you have ever experienced dental discomfort, you know that getting in to see your dentist needs to be a priority. The thing is, there are other dental issues that might be symptom-free and can only be caught at regular checkups. Here are four dental issues that only your dentist might catch.

1. Receding Gums

One of the important parts of dental checkups is to assess if one's gums are healthy. Gums can begin to recede when flossing isn't kept up with and plaque buildup begins at the gum line, but might not cause pain. Receding gums can lead to tooth loss over time. The faster this is caught by your dentist, the faster they can recommend solutions in your routine to help counteract receding gums or recommend surgery.

2. Smaller or Hidden Cavities

Not all cavities will immediately cause pain or sensitivity. Small cracks in teeth, cavities on the sides of teeth, or trouble underneath the gumline all might not be sensitive to heat and cold like other cavities can be. The best way for underlying issues or hidden cavities to be discovered is through physical examinations at the dentist's office, along with regular x-rays.

3. Cracked Crowns or Fillings

Small cracks in older fillings or crowns can lead to big problems, but you might not even notice these right away. If you have existing metal dental work from materials such as amalgam, your older dental work might be more prone to cracks and fractures over time. Newer advances in fillings and crown materials can ensure that replacements should last longer and will be safer.

4. Wisdom Teeth Growing In

While wisdom teeth commonly come in during one's late teen years, these can continue to shift through one's mid-twenties. Changes can be caught with x-rays and removal might then be recommended in order to keep teeth from shifting or becoming impacted. Young adults who may have skipped going to the dentist for a few years should point out at their next visit if they haven't gotten their wisdom teeth removed. These can be on your dentist's radar during x-rays.

The best advice when it comes to symptom-free dental problems is to not wait until you are in pain to visit the dentist. If you keep your regular checkups, these will help catch small problems before these turn into major issues. Visiting the dentist is more than just about getting your teeth cleaned—it's about preventative care as well


Dentistry for Kids

Anyone who provides a service specifically for the youngest among us knows that treating kids must be approached very differently from treating adults. Children are not like adult patients. They require a dental team that makes children feel safe and secure at every appointment. The pediatric dental staff also needs to understand how to work with parents as well as young patients. As a pediatric dental hygienist and a mom, I understand that specific needs of children when they are visiting the dentist. This blog will explain exactly what kids need from a dental staff and will give options for making the dental office a welcoming environment to children. We can give a whole new generation healthy smiles by making pediatric dentistry the best it can be.