How A Root Canal Can Save You Time And Money

Posted on: 14 February 2018

Getting a root canal typically doesn't sound like the best way to spend your time, but if you know that you need to get one, it can actually do you a lot of favors. Find out how a root canal can save you time, pain, and money.

No Tooth Replacement

One of the best things about a root canal is that it prevents you from needing to have a tooth replaced. If you either neglect to get a root canal while you can or you opt to have the tooth pulled instead, you will need a tooth replacement. The type is up to you; there are implants, dentures, and bridges that could potentially take the place for the tooth that you've lost. However, that means spending more time and money as a result. Even a simple bridge will take time and effort to have developed and made custom for you. By getting a root canal and saving the original tooth you have, you won't have to go through these extra steps and will save money as a result.

No Peg Healing Time

One of the best tooth replacement options you can choose is a dental implant. While dental implants are excellent permanent replacements for missing teeth, they take time to have installed.

The main time sink with dental implants is that you have to spend some time allowing the peg to heal. This peg is installed into your jaw, under your gumline. Until the gums seal around the peg, the replacement tooth can't be installed. This means going without a tooth for a prolonged period of time. However, a simple root canal will preserve the tooth you already have without need for a peg, so you don't have to waste time waiting for a new tooth.

No Worsening of Condition

If you choose to have your tooth pulled instead of getting a root canal, you'll be protecting your oral health. However, if you want to ignore the future of a root canal, you're going to have much worse oral health problems going forward.

If a root canal is necessary, it means that the tooth is badly infected and will only get worse without removal. This can damage surrounding teeth, your gums, the bones of your jaw, or even allow the infection to spread through your bloodstream. As a result, you'll experience a great deal of pain and potentially illness.

Root canals can do a lot for keeping your overall oral health in good shape, plus you get to save the tooth you already have. Don't let the bad rap that root canals have scare you away: if your dentist says you need one, trust them and get it done.

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Dentistry for Kids

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