How Dental Implants Help Baseball Players With Cracked Teeth

Posted on: 27 November 2020

Baseball players experience a surprising array of different damage types, each of which can cause varying health problems. For example, getting struck in the mouth by a baseball during a game can cause a pretty broad array of health issues that may be hard for some to handle. Thankfully, a growing number of people are turning to dental implants to avoid any complications here.

Cracked Teeth Can Be Painful

When a baseball player gets hit in the mouth by a baseball during a game, there are a few different things that can happen. They may experience almost no damage to their mouth and be just fine. Or they may end up doing severe damage to one or more teeth that may cause a crack. Cracks in the surface of the enamel can allow various types of bacteria and other elements into a tooth.

When this happens, a player may find that they cannot handle the pain that occurs. They may end up skipping practices, missing games, or struggle to pay attention when they do compete. As a result, it is often essential for those individuals with cracked teeth to get high-quality help right away. Getting implants can help to not only prevent this damage from worsening but provide a stronger overall mouth.

Ways Dental Implants Can Help

Dental implants are designed to provide years of protection for the teeth by taking the place of a cracked or damaged tooth. They look like a real tooth and are inserted directly into the jaw, making them more stable than options like bridges. And they utilize a strong array of materials that keep them from getting damaged and falling out of the mouth, even after a heavy impact.

Baseball players who want these implants need to get the damaged teeth removed, first, and then get implants installed directly in the holes left behind. After this process is over, they still have to treat their implants like normal teeth by cleaning and brushing them regularly. Doing so helps to prevent this type of damage from getting worse and keeps their teeth stronger for longer periods of time.

Therefore, it is critical for baseball players who don't want to end up with severely damaged teeth to reach out to a dentist who can provide implants that work for their needs. Often, implants can be repaired and maintained using a variety of different tools, providing a player with the strongest level of dental protection that their money and insurance can buy.


Dentistry for Kids

Anyone who provides a service specifically for the youngest among us knows that treating kids must be approached very differently from treating adults. Children are not like adult patients. They require a dental team that makes children feel safe and secure at every appointment. The pediatric dental staff also needs to understand how to work with parents as well as young patients. As a pediatric dental hygienist and a mom, I understand that specific needs of children when they are visiting the dentist. This blog will explain exactly what kids need from a dental staff and will give options for making the dental office a welcoming environment to children. We can give a whole new generation healthy smiles by making pediatric dentistry the best it can be.