Will Your Dental Implants Stain?

Posted on: 29 June 2021

Dental implants have many similarities to natural teeth. They have a root, they are made of porcelain, which is of a similar composition to tooth enamel, and dental implants look like real teeth in color and shape. However, many patients worry that their dental implants will eventually stain, just as natural teeth do. Unfortunately, dental implants can stain in certain situations.

Using Abrasive Toothpaste Leads To Staining

Abrasive toothpastes can help to remove stains from natural teeth. But toothpastes that contain ingredients like silica are not good for your dental implants. This is because the abrasives in the toothpaste can damage the surface of dental implants and cause it to become rough. When the surface of a dental implant crown roughens, staining molecules can cling to it more easily.

And if you are a smoker or enjoy foods that contain staining compounds, like tea and coffee, this will exacerbate the staining.

Staining Along the Gum Line Can Occur

Dental implants are composed of a titanium screw, abutment, and the dental crown that attaches to the abutment. But dentists also place bonding under dental crowns to hold them in place. The bonding material is porous, much like tooth enamel. And this means that bonding can also stain like tooth enamel.

Eventually then, and especially if you smoke or eat and drink foods rich in staining compounds, the bonding under the dental crowns may stain. This staining will be visible along the gum line. The best way to avoid this type of staining is to cut down on staining foods and quit smoking.

A Hygienist Can Polish Your Dental Implants to Remove Stains

Although dental implants can stain in some cases, you can do something about it. Once staining has occurred, you can book an appointment with a dental hygienist to remove the stains. Dental hygienists usually remove stains from natural teeth with an ultrasonic cleaner, but this isn't possible with dental implants.

Instead, dental hygienists can remove stains from the surface of dental implants by using a diamond paste or an aluminum oxide paste. Although it will take time to remove the stains, eventually, even the most stubborn stains will come off with the help of the polishing paste.

If you're worried that your dental implants will become stained over time, then be sure to avoid abrasive toothpaste and cut down on staining foods. This should be enough to ensure that your dental implants don't stain.


Dentistry for Kids

Anyone who provides a service specifically for the youngest among us knows that treating kids must be approached very differently from treating adults. Children are not like adult patients. They require a dental team that makes children feel safe and secure at every appointment. The pediatric dental staff also needs to understand how to work with parents as well as young patients. As a pediatric dental hygienist and a mom, I understand that specific needs of children when they are visiting the dentist. This blog will explain exactly what kids need from a dental staff and will give options for making the dental office a welcoming environment to children. We can give a whole new generation healthy smiles by making pediatric dentistry the best it can be.