5 Things To Know About Self-Litigating Braces

Posted on: 27 January 2023

If you need to straighten your teeth or improve your bite, you have several options for orthodontic treatment. Self-litigating braces are one alternative that straightens your teeth with brackets and an archwire. Instead of using rubber bands to connect the wire to the brackets, they connect via a small spring-loaded contraption. This spring-loaded device is adjusted over time to gently reposition your teeth using moderate force. Here are a few things you need to know about using self-litigating braces.  

1. Self-Litigating Braces Are Usually Less Noticeable

Some patients prefer self-litigating braces because they're less noticeable than other types of metal braces. It's possible to use clear brackets with self-litigating braces, and the lack of rubber bands makes them even less obtrusive. If you want your natural smile to look as pleasant as possible, even while you're wearing braces, self-litigating braces can help. 

2. It's Usually Easier to Brush and Floss With Self-Litigating Braces

One of the downsides of using rubber bands with your metal braces is that the rubber material makes it easier for your mouth to develop high amounts of bacteria that make it difficult to maintain optimal oral hygiene. Even when you meticulously brush and floss your teeth, this higher concentration of bacteria means that you're more likely to develop tarter and plaque, putting you at a higher risk of tooth decay or cavities.

3. Most Patients Find Self-Litigating Braces More Comfortable

Self-litigating braces have smaller brackets than conventional braces; many patients find that these smaller brackets make wearing braces more comfortable because they don't rub against the inner areas of the mouth as much. When your braces are adjusted, the gentle adjustments mean that you're less likely to experience pain after your appointment. 

4. You Usually Spend Less Time at the Orthodontist

The lack of rubber bands means that your orthodontic appointments are shorter. Since you don't need to have rubber bands swapped out, adjusting your braces is a faster process. Many patients also go to the orthodontist less frequently when using self-litigating braces.

5. They Can Treat a Variety of Orthodontic Conditions

It's possible to address a variety of orthodontic issues with self-litigating braces, including teeth crowding, an overbite, an overjet (when the upper front teeth protrude outwards), and gaps between the teeth. If your orthodontic issues are too severe for clear aligners, self-litigating braces are usually an excellent alternative for individuals who prefer less obvious orthodontic treatment. 

Contact a local orthodontist to learn more about self-litigating braces.


Dentistry for Kids

Anyone who provides a service specifically for the youngest among us knows that treating kids must be approached very differently from treating adults. Children are not like adult patients. They require a dental team that makes children feel safe and secure at every appointment. The pediatric dental staff also needs to understand how to work with parents as well as young patients. As a pediatric dental hygienist and a mom, I understand that specific needs of children when they are visiting the dentist. This blog will explain exactly what kids need from a dental staff and will give options for making the dental office a welcoming environment to children. We can give a whole new generation healthy smiles by making pediatric dentistry the best it can be.